Friday, September 23, 2005
3:32 PM
6 days 2 go...
It seems like I haven't updated for a very long time.. well. I only haven't updated for only about 5 days.. dunno why it seems such a long time away. maybe it's 'cause I have been sleeping late these days.. so my days seem very long.. just had physics test today. gawd. 4 tests in a week. chinese mock exam. A maths common test. which I failed by 2 marks!!! 2 marks!! e maths class test. then physics 2day. whew~ what a crazy week. now i know what's it like being sabbie. =p
so its just 6 days 2 the exams yet I'm still blogging. I must be nuts. but it's no harm taking a little break from studying. and I'm tired. I slept past midnight the last few days. it's a mirale I can be in school on time. =p I feel so freaking pissed off. gotta work hard now. if not will fail alot of subjects. I'm trying 2 at least pass all my subjects. that would keep my morale and my spirits up. hahax. so I better go now. will blog again. maybe after exams.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
1:02 AM
exams coming.. shit.
Oh god. exams are around the corner!!!!
what with EL and HCL on 29th and 30th.. and then 1 week of normal lessons, then the real exams start. i really don't understand why they have 2 put in that 1 week of normal lessons before the exams.. why can't they just let us get the exams over and done with?? ok, maybe they want 2 give us more time 2 prepare 4 the EOYs.. 'cause the 4th term's really short.. but isn't it better to get through the exams quickly?? it spares us the agony and horror..
anyway.. enough grumbling about exams.. went 2 west mall around 5++.. daddie gave me a lift.. the minute i stepped out of the car.. i saw ernest ang.. duno whether he got see me or not..
then just walked around the place for awhile.. crap. its so boring.. nothing better 2 do.. then after walking around for about an hour, went 4 dinner. then walked all the way home. yes. i was like dead tired by the time i reached home.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
10:52 PM
Sianx Day..
Got back geog common test today.. was so worried that i would fail.. but in the end i manage 2 just pass only.. diao.. so during the afternoon geog remedial, mdm ros announced to 3/5 and 3/6 those who got A1 or A2.. result?? cyril: A1. choon lock and zhen xiang: A2. so good!!! if i could get the same mark, i would be on cloud nine..
then went 4 chinese mock test.. sian. almost couldnt finish.. but also got some form of entertainment for me.. irene lim came with royston, junhao and ernest phua.. apparently she wants them 2 sing.. diao.. a bit silly also.. so i also like become 'audience' for awhile. the guys wanted me to join them in singing.. but i just thought that they were crazy.. anyway i was doing a test.. =p
after the test, then i just came home.. sian diao. school life is really damn boring nowadays.. and EOYs are just round the corner!!!!!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
4:24 PM
2 more days 2 school reopen...
I dread this period of time.. i wish the hols would be exteneded just 1 more week..
i'm so sick of being cooped up at home during this hols.. and its so boring 2 just sit in front of the piano and practise non-stop.. no choice, because my grade 8 RE-test is just around the corner.. =p if i can get a pass this time round, i would be VERY, VERY happy... so i'm not going 2 complain. it will be worth it if i pass. =) anyway i love the piano. it's just that sitting in front of it 4 hours at a time frustrates me.. especially if i can't get my notes out clearly and accurately.. that feeling of frustration just sets in. i would be really glad after my exam.. understatement of the year. hahax.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
11:49 PM
few more weeks 2 exams...
yeah.. i'm bored..
exams are just around the corner.. and it also means that my 'o' level chinese is coming.. the clock is ticking.
i can't afford 2 fail anymore.. if not i would be letting myself down horribly...
i'm sick of being cooped up in the house these hols.. wish i could just get out.. and
someone just keeps irritating me so much.. asking me 2 do go out with her when i'm busy.. its so damn bloody irritating.. if you come at me again, i'll not only scream, i'll also come and kill you with a knife.. that's how serious i am..
i'm not the kind of person 2 be trifled with so easily... or else.. you risk suffering my displeasure.
think i'll end off here.