Tuesday, March 30, 2010
10:23 PM
*Identity of my friend has been kept confidential
I was talking to my friend on MSN recently, and I only found out from him then that he used to go to City Harvest!
Admittedly, I haven't been in City Harvest long either. Cherie asked me to go along with her to the Saturday services at 3.30, so I just went along since it's been quite a while since I last went to church.
And I'm glad to say that I'm going to attend City Harvest regularly from now on, no more being lazy and all that crap. I've got to be more disciplined now! :)
To Cherie, I'm not sure if you'd be reading this, but I just want to say a big THANKS to you for bringing me back to church!
Whoops I've digressed.
But anyway back to the point, I was more than surprised to learn that he's Christian, because in the past 3 years since I've known him, I've never known that side of him, and he's never ever mentioned Christianity, as far as I'm aware.
And he told me that he's thinking of going back to church now that he's got the time(he's currently serving the nation!).
To be really honest, I was really stunned by this, because I'd never knew that he went to church. But genuinely, I'm glad that he wants to go back to church! :D
From there, it was just talking about Christianity, church and other random stuff. Especially since it'd been quite awhile since we last talked.
Saturday's service was good, Pastor Kong's preaching somehow felt very impactful to me. Maybe it was because it kind of reflected how sad I'd been feeling lately, and the fact that things haven't been going my way.
His words gave me more confidence, and made me realise that there's still hope for me, as long as I don't lose heart. :)
In a way, Pastor Kong's preaching was very similar to what my dad's been always telling me(he goes to church more regularly than I do). Especially the part when he said that God is never early or late, he's always on time. :)
How true this is, indeed.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
6:10 PM
Ben&Jerry Free Cone Day
I know this is a bit late, 'cause I've been lazy again with photo uploading. But what the heck. Anyway, here goes!

Just shortly before 12pm.

Now I know how the cookies and cream flavour came about. :D

OMG the queue was insanely long.

My cookie affair! :D :D
The good thing was that I was expecting to wait at least 1 hour, judging by the extent of the crowd and queue. But God was on my side, I only had to wait about 20 minutes. :D
Friday, March 26, 2010
1:08 AM
Supporting Documents
I went down to NUS this morning with Tabs to hand in my supporting documents, which I have been procrastinating due to my afternoon working hours and the fact that I've been trying to tie up some loose ends regarding the supporting documents.
And finally, all 4 unis have been settled, application wise. Supporting documents wise SMU's still pending, and that's going to be another trip all the way down to SMU in the morning to personally drop in my documents. Somehow, when it's matters concerning university, I don't really trust snail mail. HAHA Tabs was the one who mentioned it to me, and the idea's gotten to me. But after all, when it concerns university, it concerns your future too, as my mum so rightly said to me.
I swear, walking in NUS is equivalent to climbing mountains. Literally so, because we were walking up so many slopes. And my stupidity of alighting near Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music instead of Yusof Ishak Hall from 96! -_- And yours truly was the one who was sure it was near YIH some more! Tell me how stupid I can get, seriously. -______________-
But in a way it was a good workout for both of us since our originally planned workout at JE Sports Complex failed to materialise. And my legs were killing me after yesterday's intense workout and the good deal of walking within NUS.
As I dropped in my supporting documents in the box, I murmured a silent prayer for the best.
In the name of Lord Jesus, please grant me what I really want for uni, I really have been knocked down so many times academically and school wise. I really pray for the best that I can get, because it's upsetting to settle for second best. Amen.Both of us went to Subway after dropping off the documents as Tabs was craving for the cookies. Not so much for me as I had Subway for lunch yesterday! I think we really live on cheap thrills sometimes. :D
We bought 1 Subway cookie each, then walked out of NUS to catch 198 to JP. And we sat at the upper deck, near the back and started nibbling cookies. I know that eating on public transport isn't allowed, but hey, no harm breaking rules once a while right?
And for the record, we're neat eaters, we never left a single crumb behind. :D
Once again, it's Starbucks Mocha Frappe for me and Caramel Frappe for Tabs.
Seeing JJ students around afterwards while we were on our way back makes me realise one thing:
I miss school.
Seriously, I'd rather go back to study than be working. Not that working life is very stressful, don't get me wrong. But somehow, I feel that working life(and I don't mean part time work!) is meant to be experienced after university. Our teens and early 20s at least are meant to live life to the fullest, and study.
How ironic, that when one is studying, you want to go out to work; then when you're working, you want to go back to your books instead. :/
Thursday, March 25, 2010
12:35 AM
Dare to chase your dreams, no matter what.
Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. -Hebrews 10:35From the bottom of my heart, what I really pray for, I really want it to come true for me. I've waited for so long already, I've done whatever I can.
Now there's nothing much that I can do except pray for the best.
And now, I really realized what it means by dare to chase your dreams.
My grades might not be good, but I really cannot bear to give up on what I've always wanted and what I've dreamed of.
Is it right to give up totally despite the fact that things aren't looking cheery for me? Haven't people always said that even 1% of hope is nonetheless, still hope?
Maybe this is a test of my faith in God. And I know, I will conquer all my obstacles. I will not let myself get bowed down no matter what.
Monday, March 22, 2010
1:34 AM
Random uploads
It's actually quite late already, and I'm supposed to hit the bed really soon, but somehow I can't sleep yet.
I just realised that my recent posts have been rather wordy and have no pictures. Namely because I haven't taken that many lately, and for some reason I don't really camwhore that much compared to most other girls.
So here goes the visuals!
OMG it looks like Ryan's in prison. Albeit a padded one.

I've no idea why Ryan has one sock on one foot, and his other foot is bare. And I think little Rachael seems thinner in this pic!
HAHA laughing Buddha? Ryan's chubby and adorable! Not to mention the sweetest and having the most easygoing disposition ever. :D He wear's a bib pretty frequently because he drools A LOT.
OK time to log off!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
9:01 PM
Because You Loved me
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
Friday, March 19, 2010
3:53 PM
Sometimes I really ponder on how life would be like if I'd never taken on relief teaching at the kindergarten.
It might have left me with closed doors, and lesser options for myself for my future in university. Seriously.
1 thing I can say for sure: When I took on this challenge, I was daunted initially. But once I saw how the children were like and how they warmed up to me upon the first meeting, I promptly fell in love with them and has since never looked back.
I'm so glad that I love children and can always get along well with most of them, no matter what.
After all, I was once a child too, albeit I was probably not as smart or vocal as they are now.
Indeed, times have changed.
I remember myself when I was in K2, I was really quiet and though I definitely had friends, I was all along more reserved and I never really talked much, or created a tremendous ruckus like some kids do.
Since then it's made me realise that while the children look up to me as though I'm a guru, there're also many things that I can learn from the children, even though they might not realise that they're actually teaching me too.
Who says teaching has to be done only by the teachers? Everyone can be a teacher too, it just depends on what's the situation like and how circumstances unfold. :)
OK, these are really thoughts that just came into my mind right there and then, and I thought I'd post it up. :)
Monday, March 15, 2010
1:40 AM
Total Eclipse Of The Heart
Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never coming around
Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears
Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by
Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes
Turn around, bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
Turn around, bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit restless and I dream of something wild
Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit helpless and I'm lying like a child in your arms
Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit angry and I know I've got to get out and cry
Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit terrified but then I see the look in your eyes
Turn around, bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
Turn around, bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
The original singer of this song is Bonnie Tyler, but Westlife did a cover version of her number 1 hit. Personally, I prefer the Westlife version over Bonnie Tyler's.
OK fine, I admit I'm biased to Westlife. Those who've known me from young and those who know me well would be well aware that I'm a huge fan of Westlife! :)
2 down, 2 more to go. I really pray for God to guide me along the right way, and also to grant me my first choice.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
12:13 AM
I'm called Teacher Glennda.
Not joking! In fact, when the kids greeted me during the first meeting, I was mentally laughing inside my head because it sounded really cute and it was quite comical actually. My parents both laughed at me after I recounted this incident.
Digressing a bit, I met up with Tabs this morning for KFC breakfast at West Mall(Omg the eggs are damn dry, not nice! Mac's breakfast is much better!), then we went to Nanyang Poly to submit Yang Zhi's application stuffs. And I met Priscilla there! Damn long since I last saw her.
After NYP was off to Toa Payoh for KOI. :D Yay for Caramel Milk Tea(Tabs') and Honey Milk Tea(Mine!)
I'm so glad to have cousins like Tabs and Sabby, we can yak about everything under the sun, from the frivolous, namely retarded moments and reminiscing of our JC days to the serious stuff like relationships, uni, our futures. :)
Cheers to you guys! :)
I can't help but smile whenever I see kids, regardless of whether they're babies, toddlers or at the early primary school age. Provided I don't see them screaming, shouting and crying all the time. It's one thing to see babies cry, but it's a bit overboard when you see primary school children crying when their parents refuse to buy them something.
Friday, March 12, 2010
12:52 AM
Children can make you feel a few ways:
1. Laugh out loud whenever they ask certain questions
2. Roll your eyes when they ask you personal stuff that makes you go 'OHMYGOSH!' in your mind
3. Tear your hair out of your head, especially when they are very noisy and will not settle down despite much cajoling
4. Raise your voice at them when law and order gets out of hand.
This happened yesterday evening between Darren(who's 1 of the troublemakers in the class), Alicia and me.
For some reason, Darren and Alicia are really quite close. Their characters seem like centuries apart(based on my first impression anyway!), but it's nice to see everyone close together. :)
Darren: Teacher Glennda, Alicia's my girlfriend!
Glennda: Really? Alicia, is Darren your boyfriend?
Alicia: Yes!
Glennda: O.o
Darren: I also like Alysa! So Alysa's my girlfriend too! (Btw, Alysa's the pretty little girl in my class, unofficially nicknamed Princess by me and some of the other teachers for obvious reasons)
Glennda: O.o Darren, do you know that you can only have 1 girlfriend? You cannot have more than 1 girlfriend, understand?
Alicia: Oh, you mean you cannot have more than 1 girlfriend?
Glennda: Yeah that's right!
Darren: Teacher Glennda, I like you also!
Glennda: Err.. Thank you! :D
Darren: So you're also my girlfriend!
Glennda: -_________________-
Does this mean the more, the merrier? HAHAHAHA.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
12:56 AM
What the heck is the world coming to?!
Those who have been keeping up with recent affairs would know about how Jack Neo had his affair exposed by 22-year-old model Wendy Chong. And subsequently, 10 more women have come forward.
Seriously?! What in the world man.
I swear this is the Singaporean version of Tiger Woods' affairS. No joke.
I really don't get it about guys who are in the entertainment industry. First Tiger Woods, then John Terry, then Ashley Cole. Now Jack Neo.
I really cannot figure out what in the world is WRONG with these people. Seriously. -______-
Saturday, March 06, 2010
7:23 PM
I'm still really very upset in the aftermath of results release. :'(
I cried until my heart was about to break, I totally lost control once I saw my slip.
It really hurts to give up on your dreams, it hurts worse when I see my loved ones sharing my grief.
I'd rather be the one to comfort people than be the one being comforted.
And now, I know my choices are extremely limited. But that doesn't mean I can't enter at all.
Til now, I really can't control my tears.
I was praying so hard for the results, I worked so hard and did my best, yet once again I was greatly disappointed.
Why did this have to happen? Does it mean that the higher your hopes and expectations, the greater the fall will be? :'(
Thankyou Sabby, for rushing down to my place upon hearing my hysterical tears over the phone, and for helping me with my essay for NTU. Thankyou Tabs, for the hugs, the macs breakfast this morning, the bubble tea treat, basically everything. Thankyou Liyana, bestie Pearl, Cherie, Si Jie for the comforting SMSes. Thankyou, Daddy and Mummy for giving me your fullest support and consoling me, even though I know that you're crying in your hearts as well.
I'd really rather not cry, but the tears still flow uncontrolled.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
11:36 PM
Children+A Level Results
And in about 14 hours time, A Level results will be out. Good luck to everyone who's going to get back results! Hope that everyone will do well and be able to get into their ideal faculties! Especially for me. :)Oh, and just for you to know, I'm currently working as a relief teacher, for K2 kids at a childcare centre near my place. Gosh the kids are just so adorable, and of course, like any other class, there're bound to be troublemakers!
And the way they talk, I can really see their innocence. Some of the kids are incredibly intelligent for their age. No kidding!
Some incredibly funny exchanges I had with some of them!
I was talking to this kid, En Wei about my father.
En Wei: Huh Teacher Glennda, you mean you got daddy?
Glennda: HAHAHA of course I have daddy!
En Wei: Then.. you got mummy or not?
Glennda: HAHAHA of course I do!
I told my parents about this, and they laughed like crazy. Even now, whenever my mum and I discuss this, we'd still crack up eventually. It's really very funny!
My mum dropped by the childcare centre to find me yesterday after she knocked off from work, and she managed to take a peep at some of the kids there too.
This filipino girl, Cheyenne is really smart! She figured that it was my mum smiling in through the window at all of us.
Cheyenne: Teacher Glennda!
Glennda: Yes Cheyenne?
Cheyenne: *leans in to whisper* Is that your mummy?
Glennda: Yeah that's my mummy.
Cheyenne: Ohh. Your mummy is very pretty!
Glennda: Really? :)
I told my mum about what she said, and she thanked Cheyenne! :)
Cheyenne: Then where's your daddy?
Glennda: Oh he's busy now, so he didn't come to fine me.
Gosh, the stuff kids can ask! For 6-year-olds, they're really quite smart and are surprisingly aware about most of their surroundings and what's going on around them. It's pretty amazing.
And I could say that I've fallen in love with most of them! :D
Monday, March 01, 2010
11:20 AM
What My Heart Wants To Say
You're amazing, so amazing
Have I told you enough?
You're my angel, my guardian angel
God knows I've been blessed with love
But if I be gone tomorrow
Would you know how deep my love goes
Have I ever told you, you're the one?
If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
I hope it still shows
If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
What my heart wants to say
Word so tender, I surrender
To the feeling, so true
My affirmation, my inspiration
Darling, I've been blessed with you
If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
I hope it still shows
If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
What my heart wants to say
But if I be gone tomorrow
Would you know how deep my love goes?
If I was gone forever
Would you know how much I care?
That you make me feel like flying
And I'm sailing on your ocean
That everytime you look at me
You see it in my eyes
If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
I hope it still shows..
If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
I hope it still shows
If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
What my heart wants to say
If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
I hope it still shows
If the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
I hope it still shows
I hope you still know
What my heart wants to say